let's get to know each other
My name is Taylor Marie
…but you can call me Taylor! I am twenty-five year-old, self-taught photographer who built my business from being a hobby to help cope with my ADHD, to a flourishing business I have worked extremely hard for. My ADHD has been a struggle throughout my entire life, and photography has been the constant that has made living with ADHD so much easier. I am proud of my journey and my growing passion. Thank you for taking the time to visit my website. I look forward to working with you.
This boy right here is the whole reason I started photography. Tucker, is my four year-old! He keeps me on my toes, that's for sure! I always get asked how do I have so much patience for everyone's kids, but he is why.

Fun Facts
Some fun facts about me...
-I love tattoos (duh), but most of them are actually from video games. Tattoos actually help me to be able to bond with people and break the ice with a lot of husbands and boyfriends to make sure everyone is comfortable.

-Thanks to my business, I was able to purchase my first home and new truck!
-I really love writing and drawing.
-My favorite show is The Vampire Diaries.
-I love riding quads, even though I was in an accident that put me in the hospital for over a week. I still got back on a quad and now my son is riding too!
-The weirdest fact is before this, I was an introvert, and I did not have many friends. Now, this career path has brought so many people into my life that I can't see my life without. This is a huge reason why I cannot stress enough to just GO FOR IT and do the crazy thing that everyone tells you not to do!
Life is all about people, moments & emotions that we want to hold on to..
Why is photography so important to me? I would first like to tell you it is because I love creating, but recently my family has had to deal with heartbreaking news that my husband's uncle had suddenly passed. At all family events, I used to say, "I'm on vacation, I'm not going to take pictures," and when the day came I realized I had no pictures of myself, my husband, or son, Tucker with him, it broke my heart. I never felt so guilty, but it made me realize that no matter what the memories are, they are WORTH it! Book the photographer for every event you thought you might need them for because you never know what memories are your last...